Movimento em defesa do Arapiuns continua

10 de dezembro de 2009 por Fábio Pena

Comunitários avaliam ato da queima da madeira das balsas bloqueadas, discutem a criminalização do seu movimento social, articulam participação em fiscalizações de madeireiras em Nova Olinda, ouvem compromissos de Secretário Estadual e planejam continuidade do movimento em defesa da vida e a cultura do Arapiuns.

No último sábado, 05/11, cerca de 200 moradores de 26 comunidades da região do Rio Arapiuns, Nova Olinda e Maró estiveram reunidos na comunidade de São Pedro, em mais um dia de mobilização em defesa de seus territórios e da vida sustentável na região. A reunião foi um momento de avaliação dos recentes protestos do movimento, dos avanços obtidos e problemas encontrados, assim como de planejamento dos próximos passos da mobilização, que segundo os comunitários, está apenas começando.

Os comunitários protestam contra a exploração de madeira na Gleba Nova Olinda, exigem maior fiscalização dos órgãos públicos com acompanhamento do movimento, a proteção de áreas pretendidas pelas comunidades indígenas em processo de estudos junto à FUNAI, e o aumento da área decretada para o PAEX (Projeto de Assentamento Agroextrativista) das comunidades de Vista Alegre de 05 mil para 25 mil hectares.

Na avaliação do último protesto em que balsas carregadas de madeira retiradas na região de Nova Olinda, foram bloqueadas, na praia em frente à comunidade de São Pedro, os comunitários destacaram os motivos que levaram à queima da madeira.  Após quase 30 dias à espera de representantes do governo, mesmo após a convocação do Ministério Público Federal, “nenhum órgão enviou autoridades com poder de decisão, pois mandaram apenas alguns técnicos que vinham ouvir, mas nada podiam decidir sobre nossas reivindicações”, comentou uma liderança comunitária durante a reunião. Segundo eles a queima da madeira, foi um ato de protesto, em que a ausência do estado foi determinante. “Não gostaríamos que a situação tivesse chegado a esse ponto, mas o povo estava determinado a lutar pra defender o que é seu”, comentou o manifestante.

O movimento não se caracteriza apenas pelas comunidades que se auto reconhecem indígenas, mas também pelas demais comunidades tradicionais, não apenas da área de Nova Olinda, mas de toda a região do Arapiuns.

Criminalização do movimento social

Os comunitários avaliaram como a opinião pública reagiu ao protesto, admitindo falhas, mas principalmente condenando a forma como boa parte da imprensa regional noticiou os acontecimentos, buscando dar uma enfoque mais policialesco do que abrindo espaço para que o lado do movimento pudesse expressar suas reivindicações.

Na oportunidade, o presidente da comunidade de São Pedro, Sr. Carlos Alberto Nogueira leu as denúncias feitas pelo proprietário da balsa, Jeferson Azulai, à polícia civil no dia 17 de outubro, da qual teve acesso através de documento entregue por um oficial de justiça. Na denúncia, consta que os comandantes das balsas foram abordados com várias rabetas com pessoas todas armadas, com terçados, machados e espingardas… que a tripulação foi rendida forçando a encostar as balsas na praia, onde foram informados que estava tendo uma manifestação pacífica… mantendo a tripulação refém, durante três dias sem alimentação, que se saíssem eles atirariam…

Enquanto lia o documento, Carlos era interrompido com os comunitários repudiando as denúncias de uso de armamento e cárcere privado.  “Esse cidadão não sabe o que é cárcere privado, porque o tempo todo os comandantes da embarcação saíam andando na comunidade, podiam usar o telefone e iam até toma cerveja na minha casa, ficando totalmente livres pra irem onde queriam”, afirmou o presidente da comunidade.

O jovem conhecido como Jorginho, de São Francisco, afirmou: “isso que fizemos não foi vandalismo, foi um ato de coragem sim, porque o direito das comunidades parece que está só na conversa e no papel e o povo se cansou de esperar. Imagine simplesmente você ver passar 20 balsas carregada de madeira por semana no nosso rio, e porque tomamos a iniciativa de escudar-se com duas balsas de madeira, todo mundo ficou contra”, justificou.

O protesto das comunidades foi dado como legítimo até mesmo por algumas autoridades, como o Procurador do Ministério Público Federal em Santarém, Cláudio Dias. Em entrevista à nossa reportagem, o procurador declarou que “há realmente uma omissão dos órgãos responsáveis pela fiscalização, a SEMA é omissa, tanto que ela nem tem fiscais em Santarém, os fiscais são de Belém. Por isso que nós confiamos na palavra dos manisfestantes quando eles dizem que está havendo extração ilegal de madeira, que é um problema grave e frequente em nossa região. O que eles pedem é a aplicação da lei, maior fiscalização no local”. No entanto, em relação à queima da madeira das balsas, Dias afirma que “ o Ministério Público não aprova esse tipo de conduta, desaprova. As pessoas que fizeram isso vão ser responsabilizadas, mas a minha grande preocupação com atos desse tipo é que se mude o foco, prejudicando a própria imagem da manifestação com a opinião pública, se vendo mais a queimada do que suas próprias reivindicações”, declarou.

Pelo que se percebe, o procurador estava certo. Boa parte das informações divulgadas sobre o movimento tem foco na queima da madeira e não nas questões centrais em pauta. Na reunião, os manifestantes tomaram conhecimento de denúncias de que haveriam ateado fogo novamente em madeiras estocadas no pátio de uma das empresas instaladas em Nova Olinda. A informação foi ridicularizada na reunião, pelo fato dos comunitários afirmarem que as empresas possuem seguranças noturnos e dos líderes do movimento estarem em reuniões na cidade de Santarém no dia em que 10 toras de madeira foram queimadas.


Uma das principais reivindicações do movimento, a fiscalização “pente-fino” em Nova Olinda, começou a ganhar corpo com a pressão do Ministério Público e os acontecimentos do dia 10/11. Durante a reunião, o representante do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Florestal do Pará, Joaquim Vieira, informou que o início das fiscalizações previstas para os próximos dias, em áreas com Planos de Manejo, contará com a presença do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Renováveis (IBAMA), Polícia Federal, Instituto de Terras do Pará (Iterpa), Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente (Sema), representação dos madeireiros e do movimento. Um dos temas da reunião era sobre o número de representantes do movimento na fiscalização. As empresas madeireiras, que vão arcar com parte dos custos da operação, propõe apenas três vagas ao movimento, que pretende levar cerca de 10 representantes.

A fiscalização será momento importante, tanto para as empresas quanto para o movimento esclarecer a situação dos planos de manejo e buscar encaminhamentos para resolver a questão, com a participação e controle social das comunidades.

Ordenamento territorial

A região de Nova Olinda tem sido palco de conflitos entre madeireiros, grileiros e comunidades ribeirinhas desde 2002 e ficou mais evidente quando o Iterpa, ainda na gestão do Governo Jatene, emitiu seis autorizações de detenção de imóvel rural, em lotes com tamanhos entre 2 mil e 2,6 mil hectares, para seis empresários, com o objetivo de realizar a exploração madeireira. Vale ressaltar que isso aconteceu em um momento conturbado da gestão ambiental do Estado, envolvendo fatos como a prisão do gestor da SECTAM à época, Raul Porto, envolvido com corrupção para a liberação de licenças para empresas madeireiras.

Desde então, as comunidades vivem embates para defender territórios historicamente ocupados e manejados para a sobrevivência de sua população, que com frequência se choca com os interesses dos novos ocupantes das áreas.

Mais recentemente, já na gestão do Governo Ana Júlia foi iniciado um processo de ordenamento territorial, fruto de novas diretrizes da política ambiental do estado, mas também da pressão do Sindicato dos Trabalhares Rurais, CPT e organizações não-governamentais como Projeto Saúde e Alegria, que conduziram juntamente com órgãos públicos um processo de mapeamento participativo que identificou as áreas ocupadas, a presença dos madeireiros e áreas comunitárias, e constatou irregularidades, conforme consta em relatórios do IBAMA na época.

Um novo campo de batalha se abriu, desta vez com um pouco mais de espaço de participação das comunidades. No entanto, várias pendências ainda permanecem, e o Governo, após alguns decretos, fechou-se ao diálogo sobre o assunto com as comunidades enquanto restavam questões importante a encaminhar.

É o caso do decreto que cria o PAEX Vista Alegre com 5 mil hectares, enquanto que as comunidades de Prainha e a própria Vista Alegria, reivindicaram uma área muito maior, de 25 mil hectares. Na questão, há grande interesse das empresas madeireiras em expandir sua exploração na área.

Estado reconhece comunidades indígenas e que há direitos violados, diz Secretário

Até o dia da reunião em São Pedro, uma das principais reclamações do movimento era a falta de consideração do Governo do Estado em enviar representantes com poder de encaminhar decisões para dialogar com os comunitários. Por pura coincidência, em meio à reunião, uma comitiva liderada pelo secretário adjunto de Estado de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, Tales Contabelo, chegou na comunidade acompanhando de um grupo de indígenas da Venezuela, em intercâmbio com as comunidades indígenas do Arapiuns.

Cantabelo pediu apenas para dirigir algumas palavras aos comunitários, mas as lideranças exigiram que ele permanecesse por mais tempo na reunião para ouvir o que eles tinham a dizer. Na oportunidade, o movimento apresentou uma série de explicações sobre os acontecimentos e suas reivindicações.

“Reconhecemos que esta região é composta por comunidades tradicionais e também por comunidades indígenas que tem o direito de ter suas áreas protegidas….aqui não vejo bandidos, aqui vejo pais e mães de família, trabalhadores que estão aqui procurando defender  seu meio ambiente não só pra sua geração mas para as futuras que por aqui vão estar. É uma demanda legítima, que chegou a um ato que à luz da lei não é correto, mas se reconhece que fizeram isso porque não tinham  mais possibilidade de negociação”, disse o secretário na Assembléia.

No entanto, Cantabelo orientou o movimento para que as negociações sejam feitas à base do diálogo, evitando conflitos maiores e reconheceu que a situação merece atenção especial, e que o estado precisa mediar o problema não apenas do ponto de vista da política ambiental, mas também do ponto de vista social e cultural. Por esse motivo, se comprometeu em agendar uma reunião a nível de secretários de Estado, juntamente com a Governadora Ana Júlia e retomar com os resultados da reunião ao movimento.

O movimento continua

O movimento em defesa da vida e da cultura do Arapiuns, como se autodenomina, está decidido em continuar as manifestações até que duas reivindicações sejam atendidas. Na primeira delas, em relação à fiscalização das áreas onde atuam as empresas madeireiras, as lideranças vão aguardar o resultado das operações previstas para os próximos dias, da qual devem participar, e a divulgação dos relatórios pelos órgãos competentes.

Em relação à ampliação da área do PAEX Vista Alegre, o movimento esta reunindo provas, inclusive com gravações em vídeo, onde os moradores das comunidades envolvidas afirmam ter necessidade de sua área de 25 mil hectares e não apenas cinco como decretou o Governo do Estado. Esse desejo das comunidades vem sendo contestado por uma recém criada associação que se denomina legítima e legal representante das comunidades, enquanto que em reuniões anteriores, com a assessoria do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, os moradores fizeram um abaixo assinado onde pedem a revogação do decreto de cinco para 25 mil hectares.

Em relação às áreas das comunidades indígenas, o movimento pretende apoiá-las para que tenham uma definição e maior celeridade do processo junto à FUNAI e a garantia do governo do Estado de que sua áreas estarão protegidas até que a questão sobre a demarcação das terras esteja completamente resolvida.

A preocupação dos comunitários segue sendo a defesa intransigente de seus territórios e do meio ambiente.  “Não queremos que um rio muito bonito, se transforme em um rio de lágrimas, por culpa da omissão do estado, pela ganância de alguns pelas riquezas da nossa região”, disse Carlos Nogueira da comunidade de São Pedro.

13.312 Responses to “Movimento em defesa do Arapiuns continua”

  1. Reação ao desmatamento ilegal: Movimento em defesa do Arapiuns continua | Portal EcoDebate Says:

    […] Reportagem de Fabio Pena na Rede Mocoronga, rede de comunicação comunitária na Amazônia […]

  2. Mariana Says:

    Apenas para conhecimento:
    A fiscalização pente fino tão solicitada pelo movimento, teve início no dia 09 de dezembro na Gleba, mas nenhum representante dos manifestantes compareceu para acompanhar a mesma.

  3. Marcos Freitas Says:

    Nada justifica a ação que foi realizada pela comunidade. A queima da madeira foi um ato irresponsável sem precedentes. Não acredito que será desta forma que encontrarão uma solução para este caso.

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    Saiu o resultado da fiscalização realizada pelo Ibama, Sema, Peritos do Evandro Chagas, MInisterio Publico, Força Nacional e Policia Federal nos projetos de manejo da gleba nova olinda, NADA DE IRREGULAR FOI DETECTADO!
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    St. Mary’s announced just a week ago it can play Weber State at home on March 11, four days after the WCC tournament finals along with a days before NCAA selections are let us know. If the Gaels fail to win the WCC tournament, a St. Mary’s win against Weber State (17-10 overall, 11-4 a Big Sky) could secure an NCAA berth for the Gaels, although a loss might exclude a . Mary’s team that would have received a bid if it had not played that game.

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    But if your team shoots six-for-23 (yes! I know that’s a good of strokes!!) then you just know it aint likely to be your kinda night. The Utes drop to 10-6 with the loss while the Aztecs be similar to the team UNLV was supposed to be able to in the Mountain West, movin’ on up to 12-3 overall (3-0 MWC). There were other aspects that happened in this particular ball game, such as Jim Boylen swiping the ball from an Aztec player, buying the good ole days when can be a baller ‘n shot-caller. But that would take another three paragraphs and frankly, I’m sure it isn’t going to be the before we see Jimmy “Cool Hands” Boylen playing some solid Defense. As my daughter always tells me, though, “Swiper, no using!” And that’s good advice for Boylen, methinks.

    Eight teams will play preliminary-round games on the Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15 and 16, before serious action begins that Thursday, and the last four at-large teams selected can matched up in 2 of those four games. It means St. Mary’s, if it loses your market WCC tournament finals, could face Michigan State, which has eight of the top nine scorers back from last year’s Final Four team, on that Tuesday. Or Washington, the fading preseason Pac-10 favorite, could play 2010 national runnerup Butler on Monday.

    Super Bowl Sunday posesses a light 3-game schedule in the NBA. ABC has Houston at the actual York Knicks at 12:05 ET. The Rockets have both Ming and McGrady back (11-6 with throughout the the lineup this year) but the Knicks are hoped for to do without Marbury. Jalen Rose makes his Knick debut is far more efficient no early line on the game.

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    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or embossing,
    they are still widely used and can create an impressive
    effect in many cases. The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks is hibp pastes.
    Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier
    or lighter than ointment-based pastes, and as such are
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    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their company website or to partners through these pastes.
    This allows those who need the personal information to access it
    without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still sell
    products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp
    pastes includes full names, email addresses, contact information, address history, and recent additions to the
    company’s database. As a result, many of the most popular
    and reliable pasting services do not advertise their ability
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    Protecting E-Commerce Sites From a Hacker
    To make the surface of a document look more professional, many companies use pastes.
    Although pastes may not have the same visual effect as handmade designs or
    embossing, they are still widely used and can create an impressive effect
    in many cases. The best way to achieve the professional look is to use a paste that contains a high amount of glue.

    P Paste A popular type of paste for presentations and other tasks
    is hibp pastes. Hibp pastes are thick, white ointment-like pastes that contain a high percentage of glue.
    They vary greatly in consistency, being either heavier or lighter
    than ointment-based pastes, and as such are stiffer and thicker.
    In addition to being stiffer, hibp pastes tend to be more dense, which gives
    them a better ability to hide defects and stay put longer.

    Personal information may be transmitted via hibp pastes.
    Because of the heavy nature of the paste, many businesses choose to only provide information on their company website or to
    partners through these pastes. This allows those who need the
    personal information to access it without compromising the company’s website, allowing them to still
    sell products or communicate with past and current customers.
    The information that can be transmitted through hibp pastes includes full names, email addresses,
    contact information, address history, and recent additions to the company’s database.
    As a result, many of the most popular and reliable pasting services do not advertise
    their ability to transmit personal information; this makes it much more difficult for a hacker to obtain a
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    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able
    to see your updates in a quick and easy manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing
    it. If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.

    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your
    post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.
    The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated
    into your personal web pages so that you are able to put
    a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for readers
    to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse
    through a large list of pastes. When using public pastes, it is important that you provide
    the description of what the post is about as
    well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public
    post while the domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to
    insert them into their search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that
    you submit your domain name and paste the paste code
    on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear along with the post
    title and description.

  6429. Get The Facts Says:

    Fellow Californians.yes, I’m from California. I’ve been hearing increasingly more people speaking about the entire “Marijuana will keep our financial system”, and admittedly, I may just not DISAGREE MORE!
    Call it opinion, but I name it fact. Marijuana is not going to save lots of our economy.
    We are in a recession, face it. It kind of feels like a few people available in the
    market try to use this economy to make something that
    is outright ridiculous seem reasonable.If you happen to
    watch the inside track, or have any form of social existence,
    you’re acutely aware of the entire negatives that are carried in conjunction with drugs, especially marijuana.Moreover,
    many of the problems are occurring in California. Making the
    drug criminal result in all hell to wreck loose. Recently, I was looking at a video of violence at the border of California and Mexico.
    Would you guess what the violence was over? Marijuana.
    I don’t imply to sound prejudice, but when marijuana is made felony, the
    level of crime on the border is going to sky rocket.

    Is it really value it? Making this drug felony so our economic system can improve slightly?
    Heck, we are not even certain if the plan may work!
    Our financial system is dangerous sufficient, and the last thing we’d like is a drug
    struggle happening in our usa, or state for that matter. The reason I
    say country is if California does it, other states are certain to follow.Marijuana activists declare that there were ZERO deaths from
    marijuana, and they then evaluate it to the many deaths brought about from alcohol.
    Certain, this can be true. Marijuana has now not led to any direct deaths,
    which means nobody has if truth be told died as a
    result of a well being downside from marijuana. Nonetheless, marijuana leads other people to do issues that they’d never do when they had
    been in their right state of mind. Marijuana DOES result
    in deaths.So for all of you all Californians who suppose this idea is a smart one, please
    sit down and deeply reconsider what you are saying.
    The financial system is horrible, and let’s not
    make it worse. Obama is in now, and we will depend on him to mend things.
    I am sure that he too might think that the marijuana thought is a terrible one, and can carry nothing
    however negatives to the state of California. Simply
    my two cents despite the fact that! Be at liberty to say what you think, as I am
    positive there are lots of people who find themselves on the opposite aspect of the
    spectrum as me.The Compassionate Use Act (CUA) is an act that
    legalizes using marijuana only for healing purposes and this act
    used to be handed in 1996 legalizing the electorate of the state of California to use and develop marijuana as an additional
    treatment possibility for his or her illness. The California marijuana
    growing laws approves the growing and harvesting of
    the plant for personal use. It is alternatively restricted to
    simply six plants consistent with family
    with an eligible patient. It’s the handiest state that can develop marijuana among the fourteen states in the United States as of spring 2009.

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  6433. Public Pastes Says:

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.

    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates
    in a quick and easy manner. As you may have
    noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and
    other social networking sites without even realizing it.

    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.
    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and
    he or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for
    reading or printing. The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your
    personal web pages so that you are able to
    put a custom and unique url for each post which
    makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through
    a large list of pastes. When using public pastes,
    it is important that you provide the description of what
    the post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the
    domain names should be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their search engines.
    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste
    the paste code on your public post which will ensure that
    your domain name will appear along with the post title and description.

  6434. Share Says:

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is
    by using pastes. By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates in a quick and easy manner.
    As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds
    you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked. Send them to
    your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up
    links to any web page. So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he
    or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for reading or printing.
    The great thing about this system is that it can be
    incorporated into your personal web pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each
    post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of
    pastes. When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what
    the post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should
    be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into
    their search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear along with the post title
    and description.

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  6437. Public Pastes Says:

    Using Public Pastes to Promote Your Blog
    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to
    see your updates in a quick and easy manner.
    As you may have noticed, there are many times
    where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for and instantly open up links to any web page.
    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he or
    she types in the search box “basketball hoop”, then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of them and be ready for reading or
    printing. The great thing about this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each
    post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something
    specific or just browse through a large list of pastes. When using public pastes,
    it is important that you provide the description of what the
    post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will
    be what appears under the public post while the domain names should be
    provided to make it easy for people to insert them into their
    search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will appear along with the post title and description.

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    If you’re in cities like Las Vegas, window cleaning is a
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    Theme Park, and the famous Stratosphere Hotel and Tower, which is the fifth highest structure on the
    U.S. However, aside from the sights-seeing landmarks, there are many chapels and churches, medical offices, law firms
    libraries, grocery stores residential and the government buildings, whose windows are clean frequently.

    This can be seasonally or at least once or twice a year.
    Las Vegas window cleaning is extremely sought-after due to the
    security of work as well as the high number
    of applicants looking for work, and the ability to enter the business.

    The only qualifications you have to possess in order to apply are the ability to withstand heights, have an impressive work ethic, be of sound health, and be
    willing to work a variety of hours. The average window cleaner earns anywhere from
    $10-$25 an hour, but this can vary based on work experience, hours, the number of windows/buildings, and also the employer.
    Cleaning might also extend to ceilings, floors, walls as well as peeling paint from windows and surfaces.
    Window cleaning supervisors can make even more money, ranging from between $20,000
    and $40,000. Most cleaning professionals work for cleaning firms or unions
    in government. However, it is also possible to be a sole contractor and
    provide your services to companies. The majority of cleaning companies
    offer classes, or put your employees through training
    before they actually start working. Another
    option to build your reputation is to join of the International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA).
    Members are able to take part in training and seminars,
    participate in events get government recognition and join a network of other

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    securely regulates international financial investment in the monetary field definitely
    does not help things. For now, though, it shows up as though America as well as Europe are the
    leaders when it concerns this particular task.
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    In terms of what these two countries are doing in a different way, there really isn’t
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    The fact is that the Chinese federal government does not have a really
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    field absolutely does not aid things. For now, though,
    it appears as though America as well as Europe are the leaders when it comes to
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    in order to share content like pastes. These public pastes are
    often used by hackers to their power to secretly, easily and quickly share sensitive and important information like
    password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.
    These public pastes also give online users the ability
    of commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.
    By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it on a website
    without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails
    or other unsolicited email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.
    You might also have experienced a time when an email was sent to you that seemed to be from someone you
    knew, but there was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or location. This can occur
    when hackers use this paste to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal data of these
    people. It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes to breach databases and reveal
    your personal details to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to opt for a free service that gives you the option to
    either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to
    view a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other people have pasted from your account.
    It will also allow you to log into your account and remove any of the
    pastes that you don’t want other people to see.
    Dump Monitor also allows you to determine the number of pastes that have been erased since your last login and the reason why.

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    A great way to get traffic to your web site is by using pastes.
    By having regular posts on your blog or forum, people are able to see your updates in a quick and easy
    manner. As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and
    other social networking sites without even realizing it.
    If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with others using social pasting software.

    Social bookmarking tools enable users to search for
    and instantly open up links to any web page.
    So if a user searches for “basketball hoop” in Google and he
    or she types in the search box “basketball hoop”,
    then your post on your blog or webpage will appear in front of
    them and be ready for reading or printing. The great thing about
    this system is that it can be incorporated into your personal web
    pages so that you are able to put a custom and unique
    url for each post which makes it easier for readers to
    find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what the
    post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post
    while the domain names should be provided to make it
    easy for people to insert them into their search engines.

    To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public
    post which will ensure that your domain name will appear along
    with the post title and description.

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    How Dump Monitor Helps You Protect Yourself From Spam
    A Paste is data that’s been pasted on to a website designed in order to share content like pastes.
    These public pastes are often used by hackers to their power to secretly, easily and quickly
    share sensitive and important information like password files and financial numbers stolen during cyber-crimes.
    These public pastes also give online users the ability of commenting or posting a message to another online user by using this form of “paste”.
    By using this easy process, hackers can steal this person’s private information and post it
    on a website without them knowing about it.

    For anyone who has ever gone through spam emails or other unsolicited email found on the Internet, you know how annoying these pastes can be.
    You might also have experienced a time when an email
    was sent to you that seemed to be from someone
    you knew, but there was no way for you to verify the sender’s identity or
    location. This can occur when hackers use this paste
    to breach databases of large companies and reveal the personal data of these people.
    It can also happen to you when hackers use pastes
    to breach databases and reveal your personal details
    to spammers or other internet predators.

    To protect yourself from any of these breaches, it’s best to opt for a free
    service that gives you the option to either delete and paste securely from one’s own computer.
    Dump Monitor is a web based service that allows you to view a public pastebin log to see the pastes that other
    people have pasted from your account. It will also allow you to
    log into your account and remove any of the pastes that you
    don’t want other people to see. Dump Monitor
    also allows you to determine the number of pastes that have been erased since your
    last login and the reason why.

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    As you may have noticed, there are many times where someone adds you on Facebook and other social networking sites without even realizing
    it. If this happens to you, do not let it go unchecked.
    Send them to your pastes and share your short links with
    others using social pasting software.

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    so that you are able to put a custom and unique url for each post which makes it easier for readers to find what they are looking for.

    Public pastes allow users to search for something
    specific or just browse through a large list of pastes.
    When using public pastes, it is important that you provide the description of what the
    post is about as well as a title. The title of your post will be what appears under the public post while the domain names should
    be provided to make it easy for people to insert them into
    their search engines. To save time with domain searches, it’s recommended that you submit your domain name and paste the paste code on your public post which will ensure that your domain name will
    appear along with the post title and description.

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    of RAM. It is an online game that requires an Internet connectivity, and is a multiplayer game too, so your child can communicate and play in a group with others.
    After downloading the game, they will be able to customize their character to play with by choosing a variety of things that are available from the collection. The catalog contains are a variety of items designed by the players of the game.
    There are also other types of things that are already available,
    as well produced from the Roblox company, and your child will have the ability to select the clothes they wear
    for their character, which represents the style and preferences of your child.
    Your child also has the option of choosing models that best reflect
    their imagesof all kinds of faces and heads are also available also, meaning that your child can choose to create a sort of avatar
    that is the best representation of who they
    are , and they will feel like they really are playing the game.
    You can pick the equipment, too, from the catalog,
    that they’ll be using in the game, and also other sets that can help players when they begin playing.
    If your child signs up to Roblox and then becomes
    a member they will also be able to have legs, arms, and torsos that are
    created and designed by the company and that will differentiate their characters from non-members who enjoy all the other features of the package.
    Should your child be very pleased with his or her creation, then he or she can take it
    to the Roblox catalog. If it is liked by other characters or players and characters,
    it will be part of the catalog as well and other players can select to purchase it later.
    Roblox offers more than eight million kinds of games your child can participate in. Your child can pick a
    genre for the game in which they will play and then they
    can pick pieces of the game that were already made or they
    can design custom worlds in which they can play using block
    style elements that they build worlds with that often look like mazes.
    In general, a player can construct hundreds of different areas by building
    with blocks which are given to them in an unlimited amount.
    When a player is building, they are able to use Lua scripting that
    allows them to follow the progress of building by creating an icon and performing
    other things that enhance the building experience.

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    The game is encased in an underlying story. The reward for successfully
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